Amazing Facts about Nails Growth and lifecycle
Our nails are made up of many layers of dead alpha Keratin Protein Cells. Keratin Protein is also found in our hairs and skin. Nails in primates and some mammels are similar to claws in other animals. Nails are mostly used for Protection, Scraching, Climbing and Digging. Normally a nail grows 2 to 3 mm in a month. Here we will present some amazing facts about the human nails. How Nails are Made: Our nails comprises of Nail Plate, Nail Bed, Nail Folds, A Cuticle, A Lunula and Nail Matrix. Nail Plate - This is top hard part of the nail. It is made up of Keratin Protein. Many layers of compected dead cells of keratin protein makes our nails strong and flexible. Nail Folds - The skin around our nails is called nail folds. It covers and protects our nails from sideways and makes it more stronger. Nail Bed- Nail bed is sensitive skin below nail plate. Nail beds consists of Epidermis and Deep Dermis tissues. Epidermis is a layer just below nails and moves along nai...